THE REBOUNDERS: Who We Are and What We Do
The Rebounders have supported Maryland Women's Basketball since 1979! The group first came together, when former Maryland coach Chris Weller invited some of the the most dedicated Terp fans to dinner and discussed her plan to form a booster group. The team was competitive, the fans loyal, and the time was right! The Rebounder name, suggested by one of the invited guests- Mary Lucas, incorporated the importance of rebounding for team success with the importance of fans support for the successful team. With leaders and a name in place, the group was formed.
The original tenants of the group that were discussed in early meetings have largely remained the same- to have a cohesive family feel in the women's basketball program that promotes interaction between fans, the team, and each other; to allow others to see what a great institution the University of Maryland is; and to create opportunities for our student-athletes to gain an understanding of their position in representing not just the team, but the University. Rebounder members help to create a positive, fan friendly, home court advantage at Maryland women's basketball games. Rebounders provide financial support directly to the Maryland Women's Basketball program through membership dues and donations.
Rebounders enjoy members benefits like post-game socials, members only club and team gear, opportunities to socialize with other members, and many other special events. Benefits are based on individual membership levels.
Volunteers are critical to the groups' success and provide the inspiration and direction for many member activities. Volunteers provide executive leadership, coordination for special events, people-power to staff and assist with events, communication, creativity, and many other vital functions.
Rebounders Executive Board Members 2022-2023
President - Barbara O'Hara
Vice President - Daphne Lee
Treasurer - Steve Kornblatt
Secretary - Vicky Berry
Advisory Board Member(s)* - Louise Gilman
Web Masters - Jennifer Elkonoh and Jennifer Newlin
*If you are interested in serving on the Advisory Board please contact any board member.
The Rebounders have supported Maryland Women's Basketball since 1979! The group first came together, when former Maryland coach Chris Weller invited some of the the most dedicated Terp fans to dinner and discussed her plan to form a booster group. The team was competitive, the fans loyal, and the time was right! The Rebounder name, suggested by one of the invited guests- Mary Lucas, incorporated the importance of rebounding for team success with the importance of fans support for the successful team. With leaders and a name in place, the group was formed.
The original tenants of the group that were discussed in early meetings have largely remained the same- to have a cohesive family feel in the women's basketball program that promotes interaction between fans, the team, and each other; to allow others to see what a great institution the University of Maryland is; and to create opportunities for our student-athletes to gain an understanding of their position in representing not just the team, but the University. Rebounder members help to create a positive, fan friendly, home court advantage at Maryland women's basketball games. Rebounders provide financial support directly to the Maryland Women's Basketball program through membership dues and donations.
Rebounders enjoy members benefits like post-game socials, members only club and team gear, opportunities to socialize with other members, and many other special events. Benefits are based on individual membership levels.
Volunteers are critical to the groups' success and provide the inspiration and direction for many member activities. Volunteers provide executive leadership, coordination for special events, people-power to staff and assist with events, communication, creativity, and many other vital functions.
Rebounders Executive Board Members 2022-2023
President - Barbara O'Hara
Vice President - Daphne Lee
Treasurer - Steve Kornblatt
Secretary - Vicky Berry
Advisory Board Member(s)* - Louise Gilman
Web Masters - Jennifer Elkonoh and Jennifer Newlin
*If you are interested in serving on the Advisory Board please contact any board member.
THE REBOUNDERS: What We're Doing for 2022-2023
Pre-Game Meals - click HERE for schedule and open hosting dates - VOLUNTEER to HOST
Beat the traffic and meet, greet, and eat with other Rebounders before selected home games. RSVP’s are not necessary. Hosting a pre-game meal is a fun, short term commitment, and great way to get involved. Please contact Daphne Lee if interested in hosting. The pre-game meal schedule is TBD based on volunteers.
Friday, December 30 - 12pm, Mission BBQ - 5506 Cherrywood Lane, Greenbelt HOSTED by Jim Clausen
Sunday, January 15 - 11am, Mission BBQ - 5506 Cherrywood Lane, Greenbelt HOSTED by Jim Clausen
Monday, January 30 - 4pm, Azteca - 9505 Baltimore Ave, College Park HOSTED by Marilyn O'Brien and Mary Barnes
Sunday, February 5 - 2pm, Mission BBQ - 5506 Cherrywood Lane, Greenbelt HOSTED by Jim Clausen
Sunday, February 12 - 11am, Azteca - 9505 Baltimore Ave, College Park HOSTED by Stan Myles
Post-Game Socials – Heritage Hall, XFINITY Center - immediately following the game, VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
This is a great opportunity to meet other Rebounders after the game. We’ll highlight upcoming activities and club business, and then will be joined by the team and staff. Member t-shirts will be available at all socials.
Sunday, December 4 – Nebraska, 1pm tip
Saturday, January 7 – Michigan State, 1pm tip
Sunday, February 5 – Ohio State, 4pm tip
(Potential) Bus Trips – based on bus availability, price, member interest
Monday, January 2 at Rutgers, 1:00pm tip
(Potential) Game Watch Parties – locations TBD - VOLUNTEER TO HOST
Thursday, December 1 at Notre Dame, 6:30pm tip, ESPN2
Thursday, January 12 at Indiana, 6:30pm tip, BTN
Friday, February 24 at Ohio State, 6:00pm tip, BTN
Beat the traffic and meet, greet, and eat with other Rebounders before selected home games. RSVP’s are not necessary. Hosting a pre-game meal is a fun, short term commitment, and great way to get involved. Please contact Daphne Lee if interested in hosting. The pre-game meal schedule is TBD based on volunteers.
Friday, December 30 - 12pm, Mission BBQ - 5506 Cherrywood Lane, Greenbelt HOSTED by Jim Clausen
Sunday, January 15 - 11am, Mission BBQ - 5506 Cherrywood Lane, Greenbelt HOSTED by Jim Clausen
Monday, January 30 - 4pm, Azteca - 9505 Baltimore Ave, College Park HOSTED by Marilyn O'Brien and Mary Barnes
Sunday, February 5 - 2pm, Mission BBQ - 5506 Cherrywood Lane, Greenbelt HOSTED by Jim Clausen
Sunday, February 12 - 11am, Azteca - 9505 Baltimore Ave, College Park HOSTED by Stan Myles
Post-Game Socials – Heritage Hall, XFINITY Center - immediately following the game, VOLUNTEERS NEEDED
This is a great opportunity to meet other Rebounders after the game. We’ll highlight upcoming activities and club business, and then will be joined by the team and staff. Member t-shirts will be available at all socials.
Sunday, December 4 – Nebraska, 1pm tip
Saturday, January 7 – Michigan State, 1pm tip
Sunday, February 5 – Ohio State, 4pm tip
(Potential) Bus Trips – based on bus availability, price, member interest
Monday, January 2 at Rutgers, 1:00pm tip
(Potential) Game Watch Parties – locations TBD - VOLUNTEER TO HOST
Thursday, December 1 at Notre Dame, 6:30pm tip, ESPN2
Thursday, January 12 at Indiana, 6:30pm tip, BTN
Friday, February 24 at Ohio State, 6:00pm tip, BTN
VOLUNTEER OPPORTUNITIES: Host a Pre-Game Meal, Assist at a Post-Game Social, Compile a Senior Scrapbook, Host a Game Watch
Our volunteer positions require a short time commitment and but reap huge returns- the opportunity to meet folks that share your affinity for Maryland Women's Basketball! Contact [email protected] if you're interested!